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Dear Mr. Alouise

June 11, 2019
By The Students of RTCS


Dear Mr. Alouise, 


Thank you. Thank you for always caring for your students. You taught us well, and you loved us well. You cared about our lives and how we were doing. You weren't just our teacher, you were our mentor. Thank you for taking the time to listen to our excitement, our heart break, and our curiosity. Even after we graduated, you still cared--numerous coffee-shop meetings as proof. 


We learned that history isn't just about memorizing important dates and names, but about the story of God's people and his creation from ancient times to now. We learned how to take in the things happening in the world around us and understand them from a Christian perspective. You helped to prepare us for college and also for life as adults. Thank you for teaching us beyond the books. 


You've always made us feel like we matter. Even through those high school years filled with mistakes, bad attitudes, hormones, and immaturity, you were always ready to lend an ear and give godly advice. Thank you for being there. 


As you retire, please know that God has used you tremendously in the lives of your students over these many years. Whether it's for listening to a 16-year-old cry over a break-up or debating politics with an over-zealous and confused teenager, you're sure to have some extra jewels in your crown. Thank you for your time, energy, and care. 


With love, 
Your Students
Bernadette and Tom Landon says:
June 11, 2019 08:10 AM CST
Dear Mr. Alouise,
Thank you for your years of service and dedication. The act of turning one's children over to another person for him/her to shape their minds, hearts, and spirits is a tremendous trust. You are among those rare individuals who are very deserving of such trust. Your work lives on in the many lives you have touched. Thanks for how you have touched ours. With gratitude and love, Bernadette and Tom Landon

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