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Kindergarten is a fun-filled time of learning and exploring at Robinson Township Christian School!  The RTCS kindergarten program begins each day at 8:20AM and extends until 12PM.
Under the direction of Mrs. Teresa Bailley, kindergarten students focus on language arts through the Riggs Phonics Program and math through Scott Foresman math.  The students enjoy subjects such as Bible, science, and social studies and have daily specials in library, music, art, and gym.
Kindergarten is a year full of growing and learning.  We learn how to read, write, count, and memorize, but we also learn how to get along well with others and be a kind friend. 
We start each day devotions and prayer and then move right into morning circle.  Morning circle is a time of singing as well as learning about the calendar.  We also spend time each morning learning about other important information such as identifying money, learning about the city, state, and country that we live in, and practicing skip counting. 
Our first lessons each morning are based on phonics from the Riggs Institute.  We learn all of the sounds in the English language and throughout the year begin to put those sounds together to make words and eventually sentences.  We learn how to read words and how to use proper penmanship to write. 
Math is a time when we learn to write our numbers properly, learn to count, practice patterns, and get an introduction into simple mathematics.
After the hard work of the morning, we take a break.  This a time to be refueled with food and drink and a time to play with our classmates.  Children learn through play so this time is just as important as the academics.   We play both indoors and out when the weather cooperates. 
Each day we read a book and hear God’s word through a Bible story.  After that, we explore God’s world through studying His creation.  We study topics in science and we also do a few social studies units as well. 
Throughout the year we have special days and celebrations.  Each week the students learn through art class, music class, library, and physical education. They also spend time learning hymns and psalms with the first and second grade.
Space is limited; call now to enroll your child today!